Find Somewhere You Can Comfortably Talk
This isn’t about conversation preferences and the importance of communication, although it is important, that’s really not the entire point. When it comes down to it, the two of you really don’t know anything about each other outside of what’s in your profiles and any short tidbits you might have picked up from chatting on the site or through email. You won’t know if she’s really someone you want to get to know from classified adverts alone. So shy of exchanging long and boring essays through email, it’s best to focus your searches to somewhere you can reasonably expect to carry out a conversation with one another. It’s still okay to consider real venues with shows and entertainment, but make sure that doesn’t take up your whole night.
This could be as simple as a walk in the park or as traditional as a nice, sit down restaurant. Hey, it’s a classic for a reason, right? Nothing will force you both to break the ice quicker than the awkward tension of lingering gazes and growling stomachs. If her profile mentions the outdoors or sports in general, and it’s something that caught your eye, consider trading the park in for a hike. Of course, you’ll want to keep it in an area that’s relatively well travelled to allay her fears. For an activity that doesn’t require any real knowledge or interest in sports, try the bowling alley. It’s usually fairly inexpensive, casual, and no one really expects anyone to do well. Just quirky enough that she’ll remember it and it won’t take too long or hurt your wallet too much if you decide to go somewhere else afterward.If you need a little help getting to the point of conversation, however, you could spring for something that will provide all the prompting for you both. Try something like a comedy show or art gallery. Comedy shows can actually make great dates no matter when you decide to take her, but especially if you or she needs some help relaxing on your first night out together. You can typically find one that will suit any budget or taste, too, with just a little research online. There’s at least eight in Glasgow alone! The art gallery is best done with someone you know will appreciate it, but can be an excellent choice all around, since a little research beforehand makes a great first impression.
Give Her a Few Choices
Especially when it comes to someone you’ve never met, it’s going to benefit you to include her in the date brainstorming. The key to this, however, is offering suggestions instead of just asking her straight away. It may seem like silly difference, but our experience has been that suggestions prove interest and leaving it to her makes her feel as though you didn’t put any thought into this at all. The tricky part between making sure it’s somewhere she’ll enjoy and not wanting to come off as someone who can’t make up his own mind lies in the approach. Since all either of you knows about each other comes from classified adverts, she’ll be more open to suggestions that incorporate her preferences and more receptive to up front questions about the venue. Tell her you want to make sure she has a good time, and then offer up a suggestion based on something in her profile or Ad. At the same time, give an alternative. Remember that everything leading up to the first date – profile creation, classified adverts, photos, etc – are all sales pitches. You’re trying to make yourself seem like someone she wants to spend time with. You have to, because neither of you know each other well yet nor there’s a real way of relaying that information otherwise. There’s a reason sales is still very much a social skill, after all, and any salesman will tell you that the key to making a sale is giving her options. Don’t just focus on one facet of yourself or her: you don’t know everything she likes and she doesn’t know everything about you for either of you to make a great choice based on that. That’s why you tell her that you’d like to go hiking because she said she enjoyed the outdoors, but if she’d rather do something else, there’s a new comedy show in town you’ve been looking forward to as well. In this way, you’ve proven interest and care while also showing her input is valued. Perfect!
Settle the Bill Before the Date
This part can be a bit tricky depending on how it’s approached. If you have the money to cover everything up front and without problems, just expect to do it. It’s always better to be prepared, since it’s impossible to know how everything is going to work out. Be honest with yourself when you decide this, however. We aren’t suggesting you fill your classified adverts with your yearly income or anything, but if you set the bar high and pay for it, she’s going to expect you to keep doing it. If you’re looking to impress her and can afford it, go for it. If it’s not something you can financially get in the habit of, however, just don’t go there.It may seem daunting, but bringing up the matter of payment is actually pretty simple. Not only that, but if footing the bill for every date isn’t financially feasible, the woman you’re after is probably someone that would appreciate that information up front. Remember: there is nothing worse than surprising your date with the bill. Expectations make and break relationships every day, so set yours up right and ask if she wants to split the bill. You can actually ask this first with relative impunity by making it sound as though you’re looking out for her too. You don’t want to be irresponsible, after all. So when you’re spreading suggestions for dates, slip in a comment about not wanting to assume she can’t pay and asking if she’d like to or if she would prefer you cover the first date. Even if you end up paying the bill, you’ve shown your respect for her ability to have done so and immediately know which options will best suit your wallet.